Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Arguing about money could spell disaster for your marriage:
  • Arguments over money is the top predictor of separations in couples
  • Arguments are more intense, last longer, and take more time to get over
  • Couples also use harsher language with each other
  • Predicts divorce better than rows over sex, children and in-laws

  • When it comes to relationships, money really does matter according to new research that has found that rows about money are the biggest single predictor of divorce.
    The study looked at 4,500 couples over several years and found that stress over finances topped the list of predictors of separation for both men and women.
    Couples who argue about money may are seen as more likely to get a divorce than those who row over other matters including sex, children and the in-laws.

    They say it's the root of all evil! What does money say about your relationship? How much of a value does it hold in your household?

    Financial argument were also found to be longer in length, and couples tend to use harsher language during them.
    Arguments over money predict later divorce for both men and women.
    This was true regardless of a couples income or debt level, and the arguments can date back years, sometimes to before a couple was even married.
    Sonya Britt, assistant professor of family studies and human services at Kansas State University says
    ‘You can measure people's money arguments when they are very first married.
    ‘It doesn't matter how long ago it was, but when they were first together and already arguing about money, there is a good chance they are going to have poor relationship satisfaction.’
    The longer these disagreements go on, the lower the relationship satisfaction will be, resulting for some couples in divorce.
    Chartered Psychologist Kim Stephenson says: 'We know that the rate of 'financial infidelity' (lying, concealment, dishonesty generally about money) is on the increase in both the UK and US, based on figures since the financial crisis in 2008.
    It's also been true for some time that financial issues are a major source of marital discord, for example, financial concerns are stated as the number one reason for couples to consult Relate.’


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