Sunday, July 28, 2013


True Meaning of Love

What does it say about you when you think you know everything there is about "love"? I guess what I'm getting at is, do you really know what "LOVE" is? One definition courtesy of The Urban Dictionary says, "the most spectacular, indescribable deep euphoric feeling for someone". says " a profoundly tender,  passionate affectionate for another person". Amongst other things it also says, "sexual passion or desire". While we can go on with many definitions from various sources, the main idea is that you have someone or something that makes you feel euphoric and passionate at the same time! When your with that person the feelings are heightened and you are out of your "normal". From the outside friends and family can see and feel your euphoria! Friends want to be around you! Single friends want to be you, and those that are involved with someone special are happy for you! 

It has been said that relationships are a compromise. We have all created that list of what we must have, and what we are going to tolerate; What we don't want and won't tolerate! 

The question of the day is what will you tolerate, and what won't you put up with? 

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