Monday, December 15, 2008

A Woman Knows...

A woman knows a lot of things. A woman is strong enough to make decisions that some men won't. While the next thing that you might read may throw you for a loop, I ecourage you all to chime in on a discussion that I often have with some of my brothers out here.

The statement is that "A woman knows within 60 seconds of meeting a man if she wants to sleep with him". Now while I disagree with the statement - I have to remain neutral. My thoughts are simply; a "woman" or a "lady", or anyone of substance may have a thought or two when meeting an individual - but; that's not it.

Now I've been wrong before, (once upon a time), so please once again - let's get to the bottom of this one. Sign in and get in...
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Sunday, December 14, 2008

I Knew it Was Too Good To Be True;jsessionid=2627B7E597F1C144AC829FB000470B7B.live23i
How can it happen after such a steep decline?
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If it Walks Like a "DUCK" and Quacks Like a "DUCK"...

Then "DUCK"... We shouldve known he wouldve ducked out of the way of that one. He has been able to duck the issues or "His Shoes" for years, in order to promote his own agenda. Hey George DUCK!!!!!

The Holidays... Are They Really Festive for All?

As we approach the holiday season, whether it be an office party or the family dinner; remember that not every one is as festive.

Some people are approaching the holiday season lonely and against there wishes. While on the outside you will probabaly never know, deep down inside there is a bit of pain amongst the joy.

For help on this matter I say check out these tips and lets all have a safe and great holiday season.