Sunday, November 30, 2008

One More Drink... Now that one could be a problem

So I really have to wonder; How many have been in this situation before. One more drink, and that guy or girl starts to look like the mate of your dreams. You didn't know your limit, and now... Not to mention the morning after.

Big Brother is Truly Watching...

Now let me see if i got this right; my movements if deemed suspicious, not just momemtarily confused, can cause a police officer to confront me. While we see this as a pilot problem in the U.K. rest assured, it will be arrive in the U.S. Shortly.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

John Forte To be Home By Christmas...

It surely has been a long time coming.
I really think "Bush" (I don't call him president), "Still doesnt care about black people". (Thanks Kanye).

Is it Possible to Tell if He Will Cheat on You?

Let some tell it, there are signs that can tell you, from the door if "He" is a cheater or not. - While I will reserve my comment until the end, I invite you all to read along and let me know what you think. Be honest... (that's a whole other problem)...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Playing it Safe at Work...

I think we have all been there. The new or the old co-worker that suddenly gets your attention. You havent quite figured out if its okay to pursue a relationship, and if so how? With extreme caution Take note and read carefully, especially for those that live two lives. (Hint! Hint!).